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The Lockerley and East Dean Memorial Hall is located next to  Lockerley school on Butts Green - SO51 0JG.  Built in the early 1900s it has been modified onto significantly.  The Annex is a fully carpeted room which is used for the Coffee Shop.  The Reading Room is used by the out reach Post Office when the Coffee Shop is open. In the late 1990s a whole youth wing was added with the intention that it would provide a centre for youth of Lockerley.
If you would like to hire the hall or any of its rooms or items such as tables, chairs, crockery and cutlery please go to the lockerley village hall website.

The hall carries two plaques which commemorate events in the two world wars that took place in the 1900s.  One plaque to the side of the annex notes those of the village who fell in the first world war - aka The Great War.  A simple stone paviar is set into the ground of the entrance to the hall and this commemorates the Victoria Cross of Frederick Luke. 

defibrillator 01tnAlso, installed by the entrance to the front door of the hall is Lockerley's defibrilator.  Instructions for its use are set out on an adjacent panel.

 The Village Hall Kitchen

The kitchen was refurbished extensively in 2011 with the aid of a grant from Viridor Environment and it is fully equipped to modern hygienic standards. The dishwasher has a 2 minute (120 second) cycle.  Full instructions for its use, and of the other equipment, is placed in the kitchen.  Hirers and users should bring to the notice of the Hall Secretary any defect or maintenance issue as soon as possible.  Many of the apparatus are subject to regular maintenance contracts and these, in turn, depend on the appliances being correctly used, cleaned and maintained and users are well advised to note the contents of the instruction manuals and notices. 


Please use this link to the Lockerley village hall website for details of the diary and its potential vacancies and for hiring the hall or any of its facilities or equipment. The site also sets out the terms and conditions and the hire rate.  You should note that if you require only part of the hall that other areas may be hired by other persons at the same time.  If you require exclusive use of one area and do not wish to have other parts hired to other users you may be required to hire the whole of the hall. Your booking is only confirmed once the deposit has been received.   Some users have repeating weekly or monthly bookings which may not be readily moved.  During school holidays the hall may not be in regular use by some groups such as Brownies and Guides however regular monthly meetings, such as those of the Lockerley Mechanicals, still take place. 

Sale of Alcohol

Anyone wishing to sell alcohol at a function must obtain the relevant licence from the Test Valley Borough Council. The necessary forms can be downloaded from TVBC website. The Hall secretariat must be informed when a licence has been applied for and has been obtained as only a limited number of licenses may be awarded by TVBC each year. 


Full payment secures the booking. If an event is cancelled part payment may be forfeited if we are unable to re-let the hall.

The village hall is a key resource which is a charitable trust managed by trustees and a committee.

The hall has a number of rooms that can be hired by the hour or day.  There are some regular bookings which take precedence other than the need to use the hall as a polling station the hall is otherwise available on a first come - with a paid deposit - first served. Some of the facilities of the hall - its tables, chairs, cutlery and crockery - can also be hired for events. The hire rate is slightly lower for those living in the village.

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